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David Acres

The King's Counterpoint return to England!

Updated: Jul 7, 2019

The King's Counterpoint are touring England again in early August 2021. They have been invited back to sing at Canterbury Cathedral for the weekly service between Monday 2nd, inclusively through to Sunday 8th August. Preceding that, on Saturday 31st July they will be giving a concert in Buckfast Abbey. This 'one-off' event is being made more unique by the inclusion of singers from both Counterpoint and Contrapunctus Early Music from Cleveland. This is the first time that a concert has been arranged to include singers from all three of David and Judth's choral ensembles, singing together in concert!

Counterpoint En Tour in Brittany in 2011. Our last visit to France before I moved to America in 2013.

Contrapunctus High Voices Ensemble at a concert in the Cathedral of St John the Evangelist, Cleveland.

The King's Counterpoint in the Quire at Canterbury Cathedral in August 2018

The music we shall be singing will be a mix of music that the choir will sing in Canterbury the following week, plus some of my old favourites, and some spirituals/gospel songs from America. More information to follow when I have it to hand but, I am hoping that we will have a 'Meet and Greet' get-together after the concert, to allow past and present Friends of Counterpoint to have the opportunity to chat between each other and to renew old friendships!


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